Saturday, May 30, 2009

古法琉璃关公 and 观音 (Large)

Please Click the image to view it larger

190 x 95 x 110mm 110 x 80 x 360 mm 110 x 80 x 360 mm 110 x 80 x 245 mm

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

X-Large Oynx Pixiu

Click above image for larger view

Click PLAY to watch Video

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

White Crystal (Clear) Pixiu (large pair)

Click above image for larger view

Click play to watch video

White Crystal (Clear) Pixiu (small pair)

Click above image for larger view

White Clear Crystal Pixiu (small). Very beautiful and rear. Call us at 93809398 or 93838002 for more details.

Thank you!!


We sell all kind of above 五行开运石 too !!!

Call us at 93809398 or 93809398 for more details. You will be suprise by our offer. It's true, give yourself a chance to own one at a lower price.


Wealth Pot (Video)

For Sale. Call us at 93809398 or 93838002 for more details and best offer!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Many type of Scalar Pendant

Scalar-Pendant is made from natural minerals that are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level. It produces scalar energy that helps to enhance the body’s biofield. Scalar-Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being.

Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s biofield. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.

Health Benefits

  • Reduces inflammation;
  • Promotes unclumping of cells;
  • Enhances circulation Enhances immune and endocrine systems;
  • Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria;
  • Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification;
  • Enhances cellular permeability;
  • Increases energy Helps to protect DNA from damage;
  • Helps to retard the aging process;
  • Helps to fight cancer cells Strengthens the body’s biofield;
  • Preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s health;
  • Increases focus and concentration;

Improving Metabolism

Energizes the body fluid and cells Energizes the water we drink, air we breathe and food we eat. Neutralizes the harmful effects of air we breathe and the food we eat. Strengthens and restores balance to the body’s Bio-energy Facilitates and strengthens the flow of energy in our body Stimulates bodily functions and immunity by facilitating the delivery of oxygen to cells.

Blocks Out harmful EMF (ElectoMagnetic Fields generated by the electronic devices. Simple 2 Minute tests of the pendant can prove to anybody the energy it contains.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sugilite and Rutilated Quartz Bangle (SOLD!)

Call 93809398 for more details and best offer!

Click at above image for larger view

Chrysocolla Malachite Bangle (Rare and beautiful) SOLD!

Click at above image for larger view.

Call us at 93809398 or 93838002 for more details!!

Jade Bangle (Oval Shape)

Click at above image for larger view.

Call us at 93809398 or 93838002 for more details!

New Arrial (Rose Quartz)

1.96kg 1kg 2.2kgs 2.65kg

Click at the image for larger view.

Very beautiful with icy red! Call us at 93809398 for more details or visit us for best offer!


Bio Energy Pendant is made from natural minerals that are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level. It produces scalar energy that helps to enchance the body's biofield. The Quantum Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body, this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being.

Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Out-wardly scalar energy enhances the body's biofield. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeabiltiy and thereby enchances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.

Call us at 93809398 or 93838002 for more details or visit us at our store for very special offer!! (Market price at around S$190.00).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

24K Gold Plated Brass "OM" Bell

The bell is a powerful purifying ornament that revitalizes the chi in our surrounding and radiates good fortune to all directions within the vicinity. This bell hangs above the powerful symbol of OM. Om (pronounced as ohm) is a sacred word derived from sanskrit. The powerful symbol brings about the following blessings:
1. Om is a powerful tonic of happiness to drive away depression if you are suffering from one. It purifies consciousness.
2. Om brings strength to the body and drive away negative thoughts so that your mind can stay focus on important goals. All distraction could be removed by om.
3. Om creates self awareness and enable ones strength spiritually. When one is spiritually strong, he/she is not afraid of resistances.
4. Om generates power in a person. One's innerself and confidence become more pronounced and there will be glow in the face of the person.
It can also present itself as an excellent metal cure due to the existence of the trigram "chien" and circular symbols adorned onto the bell particularly beneficial for the partriarch's corner. This bell ornament is also surrounded by Buddhist symbols of good fortune such as the lotus, the mystic knot and the five element pagoda. It is especially beneficial when displayed in the partriarch's corner (northwest) of the house to establish a dynastic family, invite good fortune for your family and strengthen the luck of the partriarch in all aspects.

Feng Yi zhu shi 知足常乐

Click at the image for larger view.
Size: 50mm x 25mm x 15mm
Offer: $9.90 (3 pair left)
Call us at 93809398 for details.